WordPress SQLite DB Integration

A recent twitter interaction prompted me to explore the SQLite database integration plugin for WordPress. I have previously used its predecessors, wp-sqlite-db and sqlite-integration. Unfortunately, the community plugin lacks installation instructions and has broken the method for installation via Composer and koodimonni/composer-dropin-installer.


The primary issue, and a reason for potential inclusion in core, is that installing plugins requires a running WordPress system, which in turn needs a database. It is possible to bypass the intermediary MySQL/MariaDB database, which is only necessary for the plugin installation. Minimal configuration involves only two steps:

  1. Download and unzip the plugin from this link.
  2. Move the db.php drop-in file.

Assuming you’re operating from the root of your installation and keep plugins in wp-content, here’s a straightforward script:


# Define variables

# Download the plugin zip file

# Unzip the plugin to the plugins directory

# Copy the db.copy to the destination

# Clean up by removing the downloaded zip file


There are additional steps to consider, such as placing the database file above the public root directory. Unfortunately, the plugin documentation does not cover this:

  1. Although the db.php drop-in file sets this constant if it’s not defined, I would set const DB_ENGINE = 'sqlite';.
  2. Examine the db.php drop-in. It sets two variables when copied by the plugin. Since we don’t yet have a WordPress installation, it defaults to standard settings.
  3. Set the following constants if you want to store the database in a different location:
This is the database directory where your *.sqlite will be saved. It defaults to a database directory in the WP_CONTENT_DIR.
This is the name of the database file. Default .ht.sqlite.

Typically, my wp-config.php file is one level above the web root of my site, and thus I would place the database directory there as well. Ensure the location is writable by the application.

const DB_ENGINE = 'sqlite';
const FQDBDIR   = __DIR__ . '/database';


By following the two simple steps mentioned above, you can utilize an SQLite database in WordPress without the need for an intermediary MySQL/MariaDB database.

Check out Duane‘s project https://notwp.org/. An attempt at creating an alternative WordPress plugin directory.